Easter Eggs Images : Hello friends welcome back. Download Full HD Images For Happy Easter 2017. Happy Easter is a Holy festival celebrated for the resurrection from the dead of Jesus Christ. Easter symbolizes the dawn of a new life and the high point of the Christian calendar. This festival is celebrated on Sunday and marks the end of Holy Week. On this Day People visit Church and do gatherings with family and friends. On Easter, there are lots of Parades held. People exchange Easter gifts and Easter cards on this day with their family and Friends. People start their breakfast Meal with boiled eggs. Happy Easter is not a Federal Holiday still government offices and stores are closed.
Happy Easter : Some church historians assert that Easter observance began in the first century, but they must admit that their first evidence for the observance comes from the second century. There soon arose a bitter controversy over which day Easter was to be celebrated. Some were observing it on any day of the week, and others were celebrating it only on the nearest Sunday. This indicates that they had no instruction from the Lord on this matter. By A. D. 325 the Council of Nicaea decreed that it should be on Sunday, but did not fix the particular Sunday. The exact time of observance was determined by later councils.
Happy Easter HD Images: Preparations for Easter start on “Clean Monday,” seven weeks before Easter Sunday when the Greek people start to fast for Lent. During these forty days, the Greek diet consists of seafood, pickles, and meals without oil. Meat, fish, eggs and dairy products are also excluded from the diet.